Thursday, January 27, 2011

American Youth Safety

Hi fans, parents should be responsible for their children safety by: watching over their grades, disapprove stong on drugs behavior as being cool, have round table talk with your children about unwanted craves for alcohol that might prone them to spend time in jail and become discouraged about the slow learning process, that will rise to economic freedom later in life. Sometimes it only take a little conversation with your children to deter them from believing, the craves they say that's for a cooler mood is all a lie, but rather study harder to reach the financial freedom goal by spending time in school with determination.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Brighter American Youth projection

Hi teenagers fans, don't be discouraged, take your study seriously. There are rewards in the path of education. Don't settle to put your book down for nobody. Keep on memorizing your lessons and working math. Other friends, who might have already chosen a direction of craves for alcohol and drugs for simultaneous pleasure that leads to destruction and death. Choose the true path of life, by keeping up with your favorite after school activities such: math club, sports, study group, research at local library, choir rehearsal, music practice, and other interesting extra curricular, would help you lighting the path of your career and that of America. Together we are strong, let's have a positive perpective about the changes that are about to take place in the future of America. We are the future of this country, so let's make a change today.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Welcome To The City Of Philadelphia

Hi fans, remember if you ever wanted to come to the City Of Philadelphia, there are a lot of amazing historical, advanture and monumental places to keep your travel worth the price. come visit Places such as: The Philadelphia Zoo one of the first zoo in America, the Museum of the Art, the historical district, the National Contitution Center, the African American Museum and much more please visit this site for more exiting videos about these places:

Sunday, January 16, 2011

America You Are My Shining Star

Hi fans, lets keep America our shining star beautiful. let's think of a brighter future by living the craves for alcohol and drugs, that would lead to violent behavior, that can darking our future. Always think of exploiting the opportunity to cluster your surrounding with friends that think positive in such way that we can fit in clubs such as: working math fan club, craft club, sports club, dance club, music club, artist club, social club, science club and build America. It would be like pledging allegiance to the flag of the United States Of America our shining star, because lives would be saving.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

How to avoid hostile behavior toward love ones

All in one, if we learn how to drink moderately, stay drug free, and learn to appreciate and enjoy the time, that we spend with our love ones. It can takes a lot of self discipline in order to avoid showing hostile behavior toward your friends. The body can slowly absorb alcohol, for example an urge to be drunk can easily damage a relationship by means of unwanted actions such as: fighting for sexual advantages, throwing things at your friends or drive wild on the road. The use of drugs can induce the use of violence for sexual advantages and physical intimidation. America would be a better country, if our youth practice safe habit such as: study in group, working mathematical problems together, debate about movies seen, discuss about future curriculum coursesg, practice music together, and learn how to solve group problems by sharing ideas and materials.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Stop Domestic Violence

Hello fans,Domestic violence destroys relationship, the hope of an engagement, a lifetime commitment and wedding plans. Do not solve argument and issues by means of violence. Before you raise your hands on your spouse, ask the Lord to solve the problems and differences, call for help, and solve the argument verbally without using hurt words. Do not think of taking vengence on your spouse, but think of a long term conversation to solve your past love issues. Instead, advise his/her parent of the situation, before it distroys the future of your children or the prospective of having children.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Be Drug Free And Stay In School

Hi fans, remember our brain is our passwords to all life events and obstacles. At the moment that you put the book down to do drug, your future is in jeopardy. Don't try anything new that won't solve your future problems, if a friend wants to lure you to do drugs, let your parents know about it immediately. don't let drugs take your hope of having good education, because it is the key to a prosperous future.

Don't Drink And Drive

Dear fans, remember not to drink and drive. Be sober, because any little error behind the wheel can endanger your life and that of love ones. I do believe together we can decrease the death rate of "drinking while driving" in the United States. Don't believe in the craves for alcohol consumption, but only believe that together we can reduce this cycle of love ones being victimized by negligence yearly. this alarming rate can only reduce, if me and you practice what right. Be Sober behind the wheel.